Align! Module One
If the Koshas allow us to consider the multiple layers of the body, and the Doshas allow us to understand our elemental makeup, the Chakras are mini energy centers located along the spine, or the Sushumna (central channel) of the body, that control the energy flow throughout the body. “Chakra” translates from the Sanskrit as “wheel of light.” We can think of the chakras as energy circuits, or vortexes, that allow the electricity of the body to run properly. Just like with any kind of electrical circuit, blockages can arise that stop the flow of energy. Chakras can be “excessive” (too open) or “deficient” (too closed). Balanced chakras easily allow for a healthy flow of energy through the body. Chakras can be internally balanced, as well as relationally balanced between energy centers.
We can think about the physical body, and the spine specifically, as the trunk of a tree. We can send roots into the Earth to ground out any excess energy, and we can connect up through the Crown Chakra to connect with the Cosmos. When we have a clear understanding of how our electrical system works, we know how to both plug in to recharge and ground out any energetic interference that is jamming up our signal.
The foundational practices that we will use to allow us to work with the balancing the energies of the Annamaya Kosha (Physical Body) and Pranamaya Kosha (Energy Body) include:
Bija Mantras
Yoga Asana
The videos for this module will walk you through these concepts and practices. While these might seem “basic,” these are all forms of energy medicine that allow us to effectively self-treat and powerfully shift energy in the body without needing to go to an outside practitioner. The more we practice working with these tools, the more skillful we become in self-healing, which opens the pathway to Wellness Sovereignty.