Tuning Session Library

Here is a full list of recorded group distance tuning sessions with Trish.

  • Tuning for Soul Nourishment

    This session columns out the back of the chakras to allow you to open up to receiving abundance.

  • Winter Solstice Tuning

    This session focuses on the Root Chakra, particularly the left hip which is connected to unmet needs.

  • Sovereignty & Stamina

    This session focuses on the Solar Plexus and columns out the front and the back of this energy center to keep you centered in your energy.

  • Lightness & Play

    This session focuses on clearing out density from the feet so that we can be more playful and present in our approach to life.

  • Healing Whiteness: Heart Chakra

    This is a tuning session for white-bodied people to clear out inherited racism and intergenerational hate in the heart chakra.

  • Summer Solstice Sundial Tuning

    This session harnesses the solar energy of Summer Solstice to offer a nourishing session focused on balance and equilibrium.

  • Tuning for Inner Vision

    This tuning session works with the energy of the Lion’s Gate portal to clear out the Third Eye Chakra to open up to inner wisdom.

  • Speak Your Heart Truth

    This is a Throat Chakra tuning to speak our truth and voice our truest, deepest heart desires.

  • Adrenal Reset

    This Adrenal Reset session addresses Adrenal Fatigue due to stress of chronic over doing, and feelings of powerlessness from overwhelm.

  • Tuning for Tender Heartedness

    This is an initiation into the path of the Heart Warrior so we can meet what comes open-heartedly and courageously.

  • Opening to Pleasure

    The Sacral Chakra is the pleasure center of the body. When clear and balanced, it is expressive and creative and allows us to manifest and dream.

  • The Liberated Heart

    This session tunes the four chambers of the heart to purge of old energy templates around collective heartache as we upgrade into 5D.

  • Hands, Wrists, and Arms for Soul Expression

    This session clears energy blockages in the hands, wrists, and arms inhibiting your Soul Expression.

  • Integrating with Our Highest Self

    This session focuses on the Crown Chakra so we can begin to emerge out of the dualistic interplay between Higher Self and Ego Self.

  • Integrating Crown and Third Eye Chakra Upgrades

    This session focuses on integrating the Crown and Third Eye activations and providing physical relief from these frequency upgrades.